Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lessons learned

There are a few key things I have learned this past month:
1. Never assume that your friend/coworker will enjoy your hokey song about a trailer for sale or rent as much as you do.
2. The song "Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam, the one that goes "o where o where can my baby be, the lord took her away from me" was originally a Buddy Holly song.  Talk about nutty!  On that note the song "O Boy!" from She & Him (Zooey Deschanel's band) was also a Buddy Holly song.
3.  Bobby Darin is awesome.  So is Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros.
4. Never  in any circumstance ever tell a man he reminds you of a lady.  His ego will be mortally wounded and he will not only never let you forget, but he will take it upon himself to let the whole ward know how mean you are.
5.  Having the Olympics every two years is quite enough.  Anymore than that and my head might explode from awesomeness.

O Boy!

Trailer for sale or rent

enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha this is so awesome. I have listened to way too much She & Him lately. Also, Home by Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros has been in my head for the past week!

    GO USA! yay olympics!
