Monday, July 26, 2010

Pineapple Dole whips

Yo tengo un problemo gigante. firstly, I've had headphones in for at least five minutes and I still haven't started listening to music, and secondly, I've run out of spare contacts. Well, I have one more, for the left eye, but none for the right eye. Worser still, I dont have my glasses with me. See, I left them in my apartment in college and my roomie was supposed to mail them to me but i didn't give her my address untill a few days before she had to leave for mexico. This is yet another example of how the common sense gene must of skipped me. I'm a little afraid that I'm going to go blind, not going to lie. I dropped my contact on the ground twice today because the stupid fans in adventurland dry out my contacts so that when I blink too hard they fall out. But what choice do I have than to put them back in my eyes? Its terrible.

Tommorrow is my program graduation. Whoo hoo!!! I've had a ball, and I really wouldn't mind staying, but I must get on with life and such I suppose. At least I know that If theres nothing for me after graduation, I can fall back on Disneyworld :D.

Nothing else is terribly new. Like I said, I did start working in Adventureland, the Land of the Pineapple Dole Whips, this week though. I love my new costume, even if all of my roomates and co workers say its hideous. I think its freakin awesome. Some day Ill take a picture of myself in it. I must say, I thoroughly enjoy making ice cream for people. I do feel very bad some times when I make one pineapple float huge for one guest, and not so huge for the next. But hey, I'm doing my best and thats what counts right? My armsactually hurt from making so many ice creams, sad huh? A true testimate of how much I need to exercise. The only bad thing about it is that theres no air conditioning, and in the middle of the day, the sun becomes perfectly alligned with the side window, so not only is it hot, but theres a gaint glare off of all of the machines. I admit, at those times I really hate working, and I find it really hard to be enthusiastic about making pinapple floats. Another thing that kind of stinks is that its so hot that pretty much as soon as I give the guests their ice cream it starts melting. I almost feel like I'm ripping them off because their ice cream is almost completly melted in just a few minutes.

I didnt make that pinapple float, but thats what they look like in case you're wondering.

Well I suppose I should go to bed, I do have to go to graduation tommorrow! ttfn!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I just have to say, I love movies. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing a good movie every once in a while with some friends. I love how when you see a movie, it's all of a sudden not about you anymore, its about the characters and their lives and the mistakes that they make. I love being able to sit and eat popcorn and know that everything will most likely fix itself in the end. And if it doesn't, shoot, it's not my life anyway, why do I care? Anyways, I was just thinking about this the other day when I went to see the movie Inception with my roomie Tina. It was a very good movie with a plot that blew my mind, though it was quite confusing and had one of those endings that makes you want to scream. The movie really had no relevance to my life or anything, and I really didn't think there was much of a take home lesson to be learned or anything, but as I sat there chewing on my delicious, hot and toasty Wetzel Pretzel I was just savoring the fun and excitement of it all.
Just for kicks and giggles I decided to throw in a few of my most favorite movies to this weird and pointless post. Most of these movies I love, not only because theyre good movies, but because the remind me of the people I was with and the memories we had while I was watching them. Don't judge me on them okay? Keep in mind they're my favorites, so no insulting them either :D Here they are in no particular order:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

an overdue update

My roomate just pointed out that I never update my blog, so I suppose I should write something.

Lots of things have happend since I last wrote, nothing too eventfull, but interesting- to me at least- none the less. Since we've last met, I've had close encounters with a dreaded Brazilian tour group, celebrated the Fourth of July Disney style and.... other things, but those are the highlights, or at least the things I remember.

First, the Brazilians... whoo boy! For some reason tour groups are imennsly popular among just Brazilians. Its kind of odd, no other country seem to feel the need to travel together in huge masses or chant louldy whilst walking down the street. Anyways, some coworker of my roomates' gave her some really good advice that I now hold near and dear to my heart and it is this: BEWARE OF BRAZILIAN TOUR GROUPS!!!

So me and this girl named Sheryl were sitting- correction, standing- at the turkey leg cart minding our own business the other day and we see essentialy three trillion girls in purple tank tops from across the way. Ah!!! So many girls! All we really could do is sit and watch with baited breath while quietly begging them not to come over. A few minutes later the whole group had passed us.

"thats right- keep walking!" I told them, when they were far enough not to hear me of course.
Of course this wouldnt be a good story if I didn't end up selling three trillion turkey legs, and thats just what happend. One lady, the leader I presume, or maybe the only one who spoke well enough English, came up a few minutes later and asked to buy 115 turkey legs and 115 cokes. So of course I panicked and ran to the phone at the cart next door and called the kitchen and asked if the turkey leg cart could hold 115 turkey legs. It took a while for the person on the phone to understand that someone wanted to buy 115 turkey legs, and in the end I was just so confused that I had to go back to the turkey leg cart and ask exactly what was going on again. Luckily for us the woman said they'd be back in about fourty-five minutes, so I went back to the phone to tell the kitchen, so we both hung up and I think we were both glad that I wasn't talking. Apparently I dont do well under high stress situations. Fortunatly a few minutes later a manager showed up and we were able to explain it more throughly to him, so that he could make the arrangments.
So at two o'clock they brought out the reinforcements. One giant cooler of coke, and two full trolleys full of turkey legs. Two people from the kitchen, one of our coordinators and our manager all stood at the ready. A few minutes later we saw a big tidal wave of purple coming down on the boardwalk.
"Everybody at the ready!" yelled my manager, or something like that. Like I said, I have short term memory.
Soon they were all in a massive line that stretched down passed the churro cart. If anyone besides a Brazilian wearing a purple shirt wanted a turkey leg, it was pretty much too bad for them. Suprisingly enough we got through the line quite quickly. The two guys from the kitchen wrapped up the legs at warped speed while my manager handed them out, and then they'd get their drinks from my coordinator. I really didn't do anything really. Sheryl and I helped the other non Brazilian guests once the line of the Brazilians got a bit shorter. So really it wasn't too terribly aweful. I deffinatly learned that I don't do well when I'm panicking though.

My Fourth of July was pretty good. I really wasnt homesick till I was sitting at church and we started singing America the Beautiful. See, when I was a kid, we used to rent this movie with Haley Mills in it called Polyanna, and in that movie shes dressed like a flag and sings America the Beautiful, and at the part where she sings "and crown thy good with brotherhood" she says "brotherhood" in some kind of special way that me, my brother and sister all found funny. So from the time we watched that movie, which was probably at least ten years ago, till now, whenever we sing that song we sing it Polyanna style. So when I was sitting in church and the "crown thy good with brotherhood" part came up, I had to fight the urge to sing polyanna style really hard, lest my roomates and heck, the rest of the congregation, gave me weird looks. Just so you can know what I'm talking about I have posted the link:

Other than that, my holiday was just like a normal day. The only thing different was that the park was incredibly crowded and loads of people were all wearing red white and blue. It was actually really cool to see. While I was greeting at Diamond Horseshoe I got to watch as people from all kinds of races walked around with flags and american colors on their shirts. Thats one of the best things about America, I think. We really are what you would call a Melting Pot.
Another thing about working Fourth of July is that for some reason the guests decided that the most patriotic thing they could eat to celebrate Fourth of July was a Turkey leg. When I got to the wagon there were two cashiers and a filler, and about an hour later we had to bring in another filler because our lines were so long. It was crazy! We never had no guests in line.
I did get to see a little bit of the special fireworks that they had for the holiday from the gap in the trees by the wagon, and they seemed like they were really neat. Maybe some day I'll get to see them for reals.

Honestly I think this post is long enough, so I'm going to end it here. From now on I'm going to try and write about things as they happen and not wait weeks and weeks till I forget all of the details. So for those of you who say I dont update my blog- Take that!