A while ago my dearest roommate asked me what my favorite holiday was and like a nut I said something like my birthday or Christmas. Well I am now issuing a formal apology because I would have to say, I lied. My favorite holiday is Pi day. This is the day that eager young math students celebrate because it means that math class is going to be turned into a party full of circular treats. This is the day Math majors love because it's the one day they can act like themselves and be considered completely normal. This is the day that I would walk all over campus to buy a T shirt for. Why? Because it's awesome. To me Pi day represents happiness and the joy that life can bring. I know it sounds all sappy and fake, but it's true. I love arithmetic and trigonometry and calculus and factoring. I love stupid jokes like Logc +Loga +Logb +Logi+Logn = Logcabin. I love that Pi day is so chill and laid back. There's no stress about the holiday pot roast, or whether or not the family's going to start a huge political debate during dinner. All you have to do it make a pie, eat your pie, and maybe play a little trigonometric bingo while you're at it.
Pi day only comes once a year, and I fully intend on making it a good one. I have 314159265358979323846264... reasons to celebrate. Care to join?
you're brilliant.
ReplyDeleteend of story.
i will trade you my pooh bear shirt for your pi day shirt.