Sunday, March 13, 2011

Healthy eating- not as hard as I thought

Today was the first time since basically the dawn of time that I haven't felt immensly guilty while unloading my groceries into my cupboard. In fact, I didn't feel guilty at all. As I put my peppers, wheat germ, oats, apples, dried fruit, strawberries and seasonings away I couldn't help but think "man I'm good!". I didn't buy any honey comb, coco pebbles (even though they were super cheap) oreos, keebler cookies or crackers. None. Zip.

but that's pretty much just because I still have mountains of that stuff at home.

I just got done making granola bars. I haven't really eaten one yet, but from what I've nibbled they're pretty tasty and full of all sorts of goodness. All of the reviews say that they're pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I'm kinda excited :)

Tomorrow I'm making shredded beef sandwiches. I know beef isn't that healthy, but it beats having a few bowls of cereal no?

Well I'm on my way to greatness and it's kind of thrilling...buh bye Mike Wasowski

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