Point taken. I don't touch people hardly ever. Unless it's to annoy them. My poor roommate can testify of this.
I used to think I just didn't like touching my family. Every time my poor parents want hugs they practically have to force me. I guess they can be comforted that it's not just them.
Take this example for instance: whenever you see people you haven't seen in while, depending on the person you should probably hug said person right? I don't. I just stand there, having an internal debate until the awkward moment passes. I don't even think I hugged my roommate when we got back from summer vacation. Sad.
As if that's not bad enough, I don't even have the guts to hug the seven year old kid I mentor. When it's about the time to leave my partner will ask for a him for hug, but I'll just stand there having my internal debate. Then we'll leave and I'll continue having my internal debate and hope that the poor kid doesn't think I'm super uptight and a hater of all things children.
Sigh. Tis so. I guess this is another something to improve on. How does anyone even shrink their personal bubble anyway? Practice? Bahaha... goodness.
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