Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
thirty day facebook photo challenge
I kind of wanted to do the thirty day photo challenge and whatnot but I didn't really feel like sharing it on Facebook so, I shall do it on here :).
Day one: 10 facts about myself
1. I love milk (shocker, I know)
2. I eat food like it's going out of style. My mom would always say to me "slow down, no one's going to take it from you!". I still don't believe her.
3. I love oldies music like Elvis and Dean Martin
4. I never made bread or braided my hair before this semester because I thought it was way hard, but now that I've tried it I can't stop!
5. I'm partly doing this because I know it will allow for lots of time wasting in the future...
6. I hate it when people touch my ankles. It drives me bananas.
7. I have a really big scar on my stomach that I kind of wish i could show people. I think it's pretty legit. Weird?...yes I know.
8. I'm a pretty awkward person which sometimes causes me to fear that I'll be alone forever
9. I'm having a very hard time thinking of two more facts about myself
10. I have weird, useless talents. i.e I can hand clap, interlock my toes, and close my nostrils without using any fingers.
Friday, March 25, 2011
I'm a Hugger?

Point taken. I don't touch people hardly ever. Unless it's to annoy them. My poor roommate can testify of this.
I used to think I just didn't like touching my family. Every time my poor parents want hugs they practically have to force me. I guess they can be comforted that it's not just them.
Take this example for instance: whenever you see people you haven't seen in while, depending on the person you should probably hug said person right? I don't. I just stand there, having an internal debate until the awkward moment passes. I don't even think I hugged my roommate when we got back from summer vacation. Sad.
As if that's not bad enough, I don't even have the guts to hug the seven year old kid I mentor. When it's about the time to leave my partner will ask for a him for hug, but I'll just stand there having my internal debate. Then we'll leave and I'll continue having my internal debate and hope that the poor kid doesn't think I'm super uptight and a hater of all things children.
Sigh. Tis so. I guess this is another something to improve on. How does anyone even shrink their personal bubble anyway? Practice? Bahaha... goodness.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
freshman 15
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm an avoider. I tend to skirt around problems until they eventually fix themselves or until I forget they're my problems. I never check my test scores, I put things off till the last minute, I'm even supposed to be fixing an essay right now and...
I never check scales.
I haven't weighed myself in o... a year maybe? So as I sneaked into my roommate's room to weigh my potroast and I decided what they hey. So I weighed myself.
Yup, fifteen pounds. I've gained fifteen pounds of flab.
I guess perpetually getting frowny faces on everything but your saturated fat and cholesterol categories on the food pyramid would do that to you.
Ugh, that ice cream I just ate now is making me sick.
Even worse, mom just told me that I have the worst kind of fat. The kind that surrounds your vital organs and no where else. And by no where else I'm not kidding.

Mike Wisowski anyone?
I don't care if it costs me more to eat healthy , at least it will save me future hospital bills and the cost of the crane that has to lift me out of my house. Though my dad is a crane operator, so I guess I'd get that for free.
The scale could be flawed, I mean the dang pot roast never showed up and I was actually lighter when I tried carrying the roast and weighing myself. But the "margin of error" or "standard deviation" or whatever term you'd like to call it can't be that large.
I need some easy healthy recipes, something for the weekend I guess :)
I never check scales.
I haven't weighed myself in o... a year maybe? So as I sneaked into my roommate's room to weigh my potroast and I decided what they hey. So I weighed myself.
Yup, fifteen pounds. I've gained fifteen pounds of flab.
I guess perpetually getting frowny faces on everything but your saturated fat and cholesterol categories on the food pyramid would do that to you.
Ugh, that ice cream I just ate now is making me sick.
Even worse, mom just told me that I have the worst kind of fat. The kind that surrounds your vital organs and no where else. And by no where else I'm not kidding.

Mike Wisowski anyone?
I don't care if it costs me more to eat healthy , at least it will save me future hospital bills and the cost of the crane that has to lift me out of my house. Though my dad is a crane operator, so I guess I'd get that for free.
The scale could be flawed, I mean the dang pot roast never showed up and I was actually lighter when I tried carrying the roast and weighing myself. But the "margin of error" or "standard deviation" or whatever term you'd like to call it can't be that large.
I need some easy healthy recipes, something for the weekend I guess :)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Healthy eating- not as hard as I thought
Today was the first time since basically the dawn of time that I haven't felt immensly guilty while unloading my groceries into my cupboard. In fact, I didn't feel guilty at all. As I put my peppers, wheat germ, oats, apples, dried fruit, strawberries and seasonings away I couldn't help but think "man I'm good!". I didn't buy any honey comb, coco pebbles (even though they were super cheap) oreos, keebler cookies or crackers. None. Zip.
but that's pretty much just because I still have mountains of that stuff at home.
I just got done making granola bars. I haven't really eaten one yet, but from what I've nibbled they're pretty tasty and full of all sorts of goodness. All of the reviews say that they're pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I'm kinda excited :)
Tomorrow I'm making shredded beef sandwiches. I know beef isn't that healthy, but it beats having a few bowls of cereal no?
Well I'm on my way to greatness and it's kind of thrilling...buh bye Mike Wasowski
but that's pretty much just because I still have mountains of that stuff at home.
I just got done making granola bars. I haven't really eaten one yet, but from what I've nibbled they're pretty tasty and full of all sorts of goodness. All of the reviews say that they're pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I'm kinda excited :)
Tomorrow I'm making shredded beef sandwiches. I know beef isn't that healthy, but it beats having a few bowls of cereal no?
Well I'm on my way to greatness and it's kind of thrilling...buh bye Mike Wasowski
Friday, March 11, 2011

A while ago my dearest roommate asked me what my favorite holiday was and like a nut I said something like my birthday or Christmas. Well I am now issuing a formal apology because I would have to say, I lied. My favorite holiday is Pi day. This is the day that eager young math students celebrate because it means that math class is going to be turned into a party full of circular treats. This is the day Math majors love because it's the one day they can act like themselves and be considered completely normal. This is the day that I would walk all over campus to buy a T shirt for. Why? Because it's awesome. To me Pi day represents happiness and the joy that life can bring. I know it sounds all sappy and fake, but it's true. I love arithmetic and trigonometry and calculus and factoring. I love stupid jokes like Logc +Loga +Logb +Logi+Logn = Logcabin. I love that Pi day is so chill and laid back. There's no stress about the holiday pot roast, or whether or not the family's going to start a huge political debate during dinner. All you have to do it make a pie, eat your pie, and maybe play a little trigonometric bingo while you're at it.
Pi day only comes once a year, and I fully intend on making it a good one. I have 314159265358979323846264... reasons to celebrate. Care to join?
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