Yes, it is time for my bimonthly blog update, which can only mean one of two things:
1. I have loads of homework I should be doing, but really don't have to get done until later so I'm doing my regular shirking of responsibilities
2. I've eaten a whole bunch of crap and must therefore proclaim to the world of my apparent addiction to food.
If you guessed a)1 or b)2 or c) all of the above, congrats! you win!
Anyways, emilia and i have come to a serious decision that we'll probably die an early death if we don't start rethinking our eating habits. So we did what any normal person would do. Bought a bagel bucket from Einsteins, a few pints of ice cream and vowed that once conference was over

that we would eat healthy. We actually did really well for they first three days. Emily made healthy enchiladas, I made ratatouille, did the whole carb counting shin dig and whatnot. We were on our way to heaven in a little row boat, but then Emilia's friend from home came down, and you can't feed a guest rabbit food. So the diet was delayed until further notice. Needless to say I returned to my bad habits. Today I found myself eating nothing but cookies, and a few grapes. I made about 50 cookies yesterday, and I swear I ate at least 20 of them today. My heart feels like it's beating sludge. Not even kidding. Does that stop me? I guess not.
Never fear! We're starting back up tomorrow with all the vigor and might two twenty somethings can muster. With the help of and the BYU aerobics program I shall say adios Mike Wazouski! I've decided it would be best to update my progress on here, just so that I have some kind of motivation, because for some reason being healthy isn't motivation enough...
Most exciting isn't it? Yes, I thought so.