here we go:
Day 16: A picture of a person who inspires you
I stole this picture off her facebook... shh dont tell!
There's nothing this girl can't do.
Well okay, her saxophone music ain't so great.
But other than that, she can do no wrong!
Day 17: something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Well, this hasn't happened yet, but mi hermano mejor
is coming home in 23 days!
Day 18: a picture of your biggest insecurity
I guess one of my biggest insecurities would be that I don't really know where my life is going. People ask me all the time what I plan to do as a Biology major and all I can say is " I dunno, maybe work at target". Is it really so awful that I haven't quite decided yet?
I guess I have un poco soul searching to do this summer no?
Day 19: A picture of yourself when you were little
Well i don't really have any pictures from when I was real little,
but I think here I'm thirteen or so.
Day 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
This my good fellows is Belgium, home of the Belgian waffle and more importantly, the Belgian chocolate. Ever since I did my 6th grade country report on this I've been shall we say... in love.

There's nothing this girl can't do.
Well okay, her saxophone music ain't so great.
But other than that, she can do no wrong!
Day 17: something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

is coming home in 23 days!
Day 18: a picture of your biggest insecurity

I guess I have un poco soul searching to do this summer no?
Day 19: A picture of yourself when you were little

but I think here I'm thirteen or so.
Day 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

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