Yo tengo un problemo gigante. firstly, I've had headphones in for at least five minutes and I still haven't started listening to music, and secondly, I've run out of spare contacts. Well, I have one more, for the left eye, but none for the right eye. Worser still, I dont have my glasses with me. See, I left them in my apartment in college and my roomie was supposed to mail them to me but i didn't give her my address untill a few days before she had to leave for mexico. This is yet another example of how the common sense gene must of skipped me. I'm a little afraid that I'm going to go blind, not going to lie. I dropped my contact on the ground twice today because the stupid fans in adventurland dry out my contacts so that when I blink too hard they fall out. But what choice do I have than to put them back in my eyes? Its terrible.
Tommorrow is my program graduation. Whoo hoo!!! I've had a ball, and I really wouldn't mind staying, but I must get on with life and such I suppose. At least I know that If theres nothing for me after graduation, I can fall back on Disneyworld :D.

Nothing else is terribly new. Like I said, I did start working in Adventureland, the Land of the Pineapple Dole Whips, this week though. I love my new costume, even if all of my roomates and co workers say its hideous. I think its freakin awesome. Some day Ill take a picture of myself in it. I must say, I thoroughly enjoy making ice cream for people. I do feel very bad some times when I make one pineapple float huge for one guest, and not so huge for the next. But hey, I'm doing my best and thats what counts right? My armsactually hurt from making so many ice creams, sad huh? A true testimate of how much I need to exercise. The only bad thing about it is that theres no air conditioning, and in the middle of the day, the sun becomes perfectly alligned with the side window, so not only is it hot, but theres a gaint glare off of all of the machines. I admit, at those times I really hate working, and I find it really hard to be enthusiastic about making pinapple floats. Another thing that kind of stinks is that its so hot that pretty much as soon as I give the guests their ice cream it starts melting. I almost feel like I'm ripping them off because their ice cream is almost completly melted in just a few minutes.
I didnt make that pinapple float, but thats what they look like in case you're wondering.
Well I suppose I should go to bed, I do have to go to graduation tommorrow! ttfn!
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