I just have to say, I love movies. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing a good movie every once in a while with some friends. I love how when you see a movie, it's all of a sudden not about you anymore, its about the characters and
their lives and the mistakes that
they make. I love being able to sit and eat popcorn and know that everything will most likely fix itself in the end. And if it doesn't, shoot, it's not my life anyway, why do I care? Anyways, I was just thinking about this the other day when I went to see the movie Inception with my roomie Tina. It was a very good movie with a plot that blew my mind, though it was quite confusing and had one of those endings that makes you want to scream. The movie really had no relevance to my life or anything, and I really didn't think there was much of a take home lesson to be learned or anything, but as I sat there chewing on my delicious, hot and toasty Wetzel Pretzel I was just savoring the fun and excitement of it all.
Just for kicks and giggles I decided to throw in a few of my most favorite movies to this weird and pointless post. Most of these movies I love, not only because theyre good movies, but because the remind me of the people I was with and the memories we had while I was watching them. Don't judge me on them okay? Keep in mind they're my favorites, so no insulting them either :D Here they are in no particular order:

Such great movie choices! :-)