Thursday, April 28, 2011

greetings from rexburg Idaho!

howdy folks, how ya'll doin?

I'm just sitting here on my sister's couch thinking about life. Well not really. I'm actually deciding what to eat for breakfast. Both are equally important topics one must think about.

I've decided instead of going to my dad's house from Provo I would leave from Idaho Falls instead. I'm having such a good time with my sister and my friends I don't want to leave! I wish I could buy housing here for just a few weeks. I've done more in a few days than I did all year. Sad? You betcha. One of the benefits for having a socialite for a best friend I think :).

I can't believe how much Idaho's grown in just the two years since I've been here last. You should see their I-center. It's pretty dang amazing. It looks alot like the Conference Center in Salt Lake. The picture doesn't really do it justice. About half of the center is missing.

Today I went for a run. It was so awful. Rexburg weather is the most terrible thing in the world. I thought Provo was bad, but here it's always windy. ALWAYS! Wind doesn't make for delightful running conditions. I also seem to be getting worse at running. I could only force myself to run 4 songs before I gave up. Usually I can do 7 or 8 before I walk a little. Uh I'm going to die. Is it the copious amounts of crap my sister has been feeding me? Is it because the only thing I had this morning was a few kernels of caramel corn and a few gulps of blue Powerade (my favorite ever)?

Probably. I'll just blame it on the a a a a a altitude a a a a a a a a altitude

I also finished The Cather in the Rye . I've wanted to read it since last year when my facebook wall blew up with everyone posting how sad they were that the author had just died, but naturally everyone had my idea and the library was always out. So last Thursday after I took my physics test of death I hobbled on over to ol' Harold and snatched it up. There really aren't any words to describe this book! The whole entire book this kid basically doesn't do much of anything, but it's so good anyway! I mean it ends and you are like "what on earth?" but it's not one of those books where it ends and you wish you could get the time back you wasted. It's so weird. I feel like I should be mad because the author never resolves anything, but by the end you just accept that that's who the character is.

well I have to go to class with my sister in a few, so I guess I better wrap this up!
Buh bye!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

final round!

I'm not sure why, but I thought I had finished this photo thing a long time ago. But turns out I was wrong wrong wrong. So here we are, Sunset and Camdon.

Day 26: A picture of something that means a lot to youHow did I get such a cute sissy?

Day 27: A picture of you and a family member

Day 28: Something you're afraid ofO Brazilian tour groups. Run for the hills!

Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile

demon poochy

Day 30: a picture of yourself

and we all went to heaven in a little row boat

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget
Pretty self explanatory...

Day 22: Something you wish you were better at:
Running. I'm so slow it's ridiculous.

Day 23: A picture of your favorite bookWe all knew this was coming

Day 24: A picture of something you wish you could changeMy incredible shyness. You'd think with such an extrovert of a father I wouldn't have this problem, but alas, earwax.

Day 25: A picture of your day
Physics, o boy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

lets just finish this

Emily finished all of her posts in two goes, so I think I will too. This whole business is getting rather tedious. I think I'll maybe do four or five a day though so I don't waste too much time.
here we go:

Day 16: A picture of a person who inspires you
I stole this picture off her facebook... shh dont tell!
There's nothing this girl can't do.
Well okay, her saxophone music ain't so great.
But other than that, she can do no wrong!

Day 17: something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Well, this hasn't happened yet, but mi hermano mejor
is coming home in 23 days!

Day 18: a picture of your biggest insecurity
I guess one of my biggest insecurities would be that I don't really know where my life is going. People ask me all the time what I plan to do as a Biology major and all I can say is " I dunno, maybe work at target". Is it really so awful that I haven't quite decided yet?
I guess I have un poco soul searching to do this summer no?

Day 19: A picture of yourself when you were little
Well i don't really have any pictures from when I was real little,
but I think here I'm thirteen or so.

Day 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travelThis my good fellows is Belgium, home of the Belgian waffle and more importantly, the Belgian chocolate. Ever since I did my 6th grade country report on this I've been shall we say... in love.

days 13-15

I'm a wee bit behind but no matter, I'll make it up now :)

day 13: a picture of your favorite band or artist:
I'm not really sure he's my all time favorite, but he's definitely who I've been listening to a lot.

Day 14: A person you could never imagine your life without
O Ms. Emily what will I do while you're rubbing elbows with all the brits?
I think this picture is a good indication.
Who's going to sing Beiber with me? who's going to eat panda with me?
Who's going to whine about physics with me?
I don't know! I DON'T KNOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 15: Something I want to do before I dieI want to cut all my hair off. Unfortunately I don't have a face like Jean Seberg so I probably can't pull it off as well as she can, but you never know till you try right?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day twelve: A picture of something you love

I wuv my doggies! There's nothing better than coming home to people that are always happy to see you. Big dogs are so fun to hug too.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day eleven: A picture of something you hate.

Please excuse my lack of artistic ability.
It's supposed to be a hand touching an ankle.
My ankle's twitching just thinking about it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day ten: A picture of the person you do the most stupid things with.

Here be all my Disney roomies, except one, who had to wake up early that morning. I can't really think of anything stupid I've done since then, unless procrastinating physics homework until the last possible minute with Ms. Emily counts.
O how I miss the midnight Wendy's runs; foot shadow puppets; cramming into a bus that was already far over maximum capacity and even though you were so uncomfortable you didn't want it to end because the kid's from Africa were singing the most beautiful music; riding Rock 'n' Rollercoaster and Expedition Everest multiple times in a row; forgetting to reapply sunscreen and getting the worst burn of my life, getting a whole sand pale full ice cream with far too much fudge thinking it wouldn't be enough, having fat girl nights (as shown above), taking the matresses off our beds to watch movies and parading around the parks like we owned the place.
Memories are made of this

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day seven: A picture of your prized possession

My Ti-89 magic. None of the 84 business.
Unfortunatly my calculators aren't as fond of me as I am of them.
So I guess my prized possession is really my sister's.
Such is life I guess.