As promised, this one should be much less complain-full :)
Yesterday Miranda and I decided to go into a part of Madrid that we haven't been to before. We were going to go to the Prado museum at 6 so we left at 1ish and decided that we would go to the gardens and other things around that area. Well we got off of our train and started walking around. We went in a few stores, I got two of the same dress in different colors so that my seester and I can finally have something matching to wear :). Anyways we walked quite a while and it occured to us that we were going the wrong way so we
went back to the metro, took the tram one stop over, got out and low and behold-the Reina Sophia! We weren't expecting to go at all that day but we figured "what the hey". There was
actually a pretty long line so I asked a lady how much it cost and she said

that at that time it was free! What a coincidence! The Reina Sophia has more contempora
art, and I think it's arguable to say that it's most famous painting is Guernica by Pablo Picasso. Pictured right. It's a huge mural and lovely to see. I wish I understood art better.ry
We only went through two floors of the museum
because it is so dang huge, but we still have three months to come back.
Then we walked around, ate our lunch, got lost again and saw another building with art exhibitions. This one was having it's grand opening and it was only going to be free for one more day. Is that great or what?! This one had contemporary art but it also featured the works of Delacroix. An odd combination no?
Then of course we walked some more, found a group of girls from our program at a souvenir stand and all went to the Prado together. Those in the art class had a treasure hunt of sorts to do so me and another girl Jenna walked around. All of the art is so beautiful and it's all stu
ff you've seen before in pictures. It's kind of surreal to be honest.
Then on the way back a lovely man with a greasy ponytail and his nose in a book told us to be quiet because we were bothering him and that this is not our country. Very charming indeed.
Well that was my day, wish me luck that I get to try some chocolate y churros this week!
Above picture:
1. First train ride to Madrid
2. Santa Maria Cathedral in Madrid
3. Reina Sophia
4. A lovely garden area in the middle of the Reina Sophia