Or maybe I've just missed him a lot...
just kidding :)
The awesome poster you see here is compliments of my cousin Diane. She did a pretty awesome job no?
Tyler's homecoming talk is on Sunday, which I'm pretty excited for. My brother, if nothing else, is a very funny guy.

Anyways... that's not really important. Since I have what my mom likes to call "Boyle feet" she decided that if I were to do all of this running jazz she would get me some shoes that are a little higher of quality than say my ones from Payless (A store not recognized by spell check).
Lets just say with my new shoes, I better be the next Usain Bolt (<----see picture). If I ever back out I deserve to be covered in syrup and doomed to stickiness for the rest of my life.
P.S. if you ever get the chance to see The Kings Speech DO IT! and True Grit. that one is also very good. Can I just say how much I love our $2 theater, even though they hunted us down in our movie and made us throw away our sandwiches. Technically we weren't supposed to have outside food in there anyway, but still. I want to know who is such a busy body that they felt the need to report us! I mean really!
P.S. if you ever get the chance to see The Kings Speech DO IT! and True Grit. that one is also very good. Can I just say how much I love our $2 theater, even though they hunted us down in our movie and made us throw away our sandwiches. Technically we weren't supposed to have outside food in there anyway, but still. I want to know who is such a busy body that they felt the need to report us! I mean really!