Friday, November 19, 2010

nice people doing nice things ;]

Have you ever known someone and you just wonder how they can be so amazingly wonderful? Somehow these people just light up the world around them. Instead of complaining and focusing on everything that's wrong with their lives they're focusing on other people, and how to make them happy. I've always wondered what their secret was. When did they get to the point where their focus went outward instead of inward? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they always seem happy and optimistic. It reminds me of something my seminary professor used to say: "the surest way to make yourself unhappy is to only focus on yourself". Its so easy though to sit down and think about everything that's going wrong in your life and everything you wish was different and all of that jazz, but as sickeningly pleasing as that is, it just makes you more and more displeased, and more and more-for lack of a better term-morose.
Let me tell you about my friend, who works at the Sugar and Spice in our school eatery. He is one of the nicest people in the entire world. While he works he does his best to compliment everyone he meets. Like today I was getting ice cream there was a family in front of me, so he complimented the father on his jacket and even when the mother told him that they had dropped some of their cone and had pushed it kind of out of the way his response was just "thank you so much, that's really helpful of you!". And he was so sincere too! Call me scrooge here, but goodness if someone dropped cone on the floor my first reaction would not be to tell them how helpful they are. Now I'm not that terrible of a person that I glare at them or anything but I'd probably say something more like "o that's fine, don't worry about it" but to tell them they're helpful! blows my mind! I just realized I probably sound like some kind of nazi that feels like they have an obligation to decide what kind of actions deserve compliments, but that's really not the point I swear!!! I'm just trying to understand how people can be so good!
But thats just how he is. He's the kind of person who wants everyone to feel beautiful. Like today when I went up to the register and he told me "you know, you're one of the most beautiful people I know, you always look so nice". I know he was kind of stretching things. Almost every time he sees me I have hardly any makeup on and I'm wearing my "I hate life and it's cold outside" outfit. But still, the fact that he cared enough to tell me I looked nice today really made my day. It just makes me think of all of the opportunities I have to tell someone they look nice or that they have a great smile, and I never say anything because I don't know the person, or I'm afraid of sounding insincere. But really what could it hurt? I'm almost positive that no one would be offended if they were to be complimented. Chances are you might make their day, like my friend did for me. A little kindness goes a long way, so I think maybe next time we see someone and we feel a compliment coming on, what the heck- Let it out!

sorry, this talk is really long. But on the bright side, I'll always have a back up relief society lesson to stick in my back pocket for rainy days :]